Student Loan
When you apply for and receive a student loan, you are only borrowing that money to use towards your college education. You must pay the money back.
The chest, on that day of moving, had been set in the new attic, which was smaller than the other, and less frightening, perhaps because gaps in the cedar-shingled roof let dabs of daylight in. When the roof was being repaired, the whole space was thrown open to the weather. This is the answer.
A comma and a conjunction always work well but it really depends on the sentences you are combining.
The Civil Rights Act banned racial discrimination.
The 15th Amendment granted African Americans the right to vote. In the U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, it was ruled that racially separate facilities, if equal, did not violate the Constitution. Finally, in the U. S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, it was ruled that racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional.
The answer is the text will be arranged in Sequential order, which is the order of steps. At the end of the first paragraph it talks about how it will talk about the steps of putting on a helmet.
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask for my help anytime :)