Congress did not have the cash it expected to pay off the administration's war obligation due to an uneven spending plan. Congress can keep on paying for or broaden a war without really having the cash to specifically subsidize it. Congress couldn't raise this cash since it was not permitted to impose that is the reason Congress experiences difficulty paying obligations.
In the past, experts and teachers taught apprentices their arts and disciplines, but over the centuries and the growth of universities and the increase of those who could attend university, it became mandatory, in the last two centuries, having a career, a mastership or postgraduate degree were vital every time more to obtain specialized jobs. Now, curricular innovation is a permanent process, in which academic institutions evaluate their education programs, the skills students need in a modernized world, teaching and learning methodologies, as well as advances in current knowledge, to have the best teaching according to the time and the advances in the sciences.
Let's start with understanding the term: human trafficking means trade in humans often for the purpose of sexual exploitation or, forced labor. In 2005 global annual profit from human trafficking was estimated for $31.6bn.
I believe that human trafficking is so difficult to stop mostly because of its profitability for traffickers, brothel owners, madams etc. Another factor is social alienation and stigmatisation of victims by society. Governments often do not offer enough support for trafficked victims. Finally, the victims are under huge psychological pressure which is often hard to handle and leads to consequences like learned helplessness or Stockholm syndrome.
I believe it’s C mainly because both parties didn’t want the preservation of liberty