The standard punch card (for computers) was invented and developed by Herman Hollerith. But the idea of punch cards was already long invented, used to control Jacquard looms.
Jacquard looms were looms that used punch cards to control the pattern a loom weaves.
The idea of punch cards in Jacquard looms also influenced Charles Babbage, who decided to use punched cards to control the sequence of computations in his proposed analytical engine. Unlike Hollerith's cards of 50 years later, which were handled in decks like playing cards, Babbage's punched cards were to be strung together.
Distribute - will put all of the layers in a straight line across the image
Computer works on the Basis of multitasking.
There are multiple devices that emit radio waves. The most obvious is are radiod and microwaves (yes, the food cooker). Wireless applicances also emit radio waves. But don't confuse everything to use microwaves. Some applicances use frequencies instead of radio waves. Some applicances that use frequencies are toy control remotes and a garage door.
I hope this helps! Please make sure ask me if you need more clarity!
Task view
I hope this helps you :)