launches the RDP client.
1: A loop will continue running until the defined condition returns false . ... You can type js for , js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. ... initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. ... But it can be used to decrement a counter too.
2: The loop increments the value of new while the loop condition is true. The end value of new is 3.
3: We could use some sort of finger recognition or face so they don’t have to type in their password.
4: give them a second chance for their date of birth.
5: sum = 0 must be before for loop. If inside for loop, it will keep resetting sum to 0 each iteration.
A. Document camera
Document cameras, which are also known as visual presenters or visualisers, digital overheads, or docucams. They are real-time image capture devices for displaying an object to a large audience. Just like an opaque projector, a document camera is able to magnify and project the images of actual, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies. They are, simply put, high resolution web cams, that is mounted on arms so as to facilitate their placement over a page.
This makes it easier and convenient for a teacher, lecturer or presenter to write on a sheet of paper or to display a two or three-dimensional object while the audience watches.
In Theory, the document camera can be used to display all objects.
Gwen only needs to place her photo under a document camera and deliver her speech while the image will be displayed for the class.
Stand-Alone Operating Systems •Microsoft Windows Mobile –Designed for smartphones and PDAs –Includes simplified versions of Windows programs –Supports handwriting recognition and voice recording –Supports synchronizing with corresponding programs on desktop computers
Stand-Alone Operating Systems •Microsoft Windows Mobile –Designed for smartphones and PDAs –Includes simplified versions of Windows programs –Supports handwriting recognition and voice recording –Supports synchronizing with corresponding programs on desktop computers