A group of tradespeople made up of merchants, craftspeople, or artisans, particularly in the Middle Ages
Vitruvius Man is a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci whitch depicts a male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square.
Look at the painting by Duchamp, entitled Nude Descending a
Staircase No.2 . The repetition and shifting diagonal lines creates a sense of mechanistic motion of a nude, with
superimposed facets, similar to motion pictures. It shows elements of both the
fragmentation and synthesis of the Cubists, and the movement and dynamism of
the Futurists.
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Answer: A
A. - Both are freestanding, meaning you can view all 360 degrees of the statue and has no outside support
B. One is bronze the other is marble
C. The marble David is clothed
D. Only bronze David has a sword
So the answser is A