I believe it was a cow not sure though mb
The presidency of Nelson Mandela began on 10 May 1994, when Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist, lawyer, and former political prisoner, was inaugurated as President of South Africa, and ended on 14 June 1999.
Under the ordinance, slavery was forever outlawed from the lands of the Northwest Territory, freedom of religion and other civil liberties were guaranteed, the resident Indians were promised decent treatment, and education was provided for.
It is important for innovation today because growing makes us better. Learning from our mistakes, and making better and more practical things or ways of doing things is good. There is always room for improvement, and growth is always a good thing.
English can be relating to England and their people and way of life. Or, it can be the language. Fun fact: it is the West Germanic language of England.
I hope this helps! :)