When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
d. disparate treatment
Based on the information provided within the question it seems that this scenario best illustrates disparate treatment. This refers to discriminating a potential employee based on any protected characteristic (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage) even though they are just as suited or qualified as any other candidate or employee.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
The correct answer is:
John's capital account for $35,300 (c.)
In the admission of a new partner, the purchase of ownership from an existing partner to a new partner is entirely a personal transaction between the existing partner and the new partner, and the extent of partner bonus (the interest sold on the original partnership amount) is acquired by the exiting partner, but this bonus is not reflected in the partnership agreement, hence the amount credited into the new partner's account is the same as that owned previously by the exiting partner, irrespective of how much the partnership ownership was sold for.
Hence, since Bobbi's partnership capital was $35,300, John's account would be credited with the same amount even if the ownership was sold for $55,900, as the bonus goes to Bobbi.
Internal company records. That's the answer if you need me to explain it just tell me, hope it was helpful. Peace✌️
The answer will be A
As the social security contributions and benefits remain the same in proportion, personal and national income will remain the same.
As disposable income is defined as personal income-personal taxes, and the personal income taxes fall by 500 million (included in the contibutions), this would mean that the disposable income increases.