Characteristics of sourcing includes a reliable source or document, Evidence, Reasoning
Basically, the Cultural Revolution was that Mao Zedong, the Former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, wanted a classless society. Following this, Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
His thoughts called<em> 'The Little Red Book'</em> became some sort of Bible for most if not all Chinese Communists. He soon created a group called the 'Red Guards' to go throughout China and eliminate the <em>'Four Olds'</em> which was a term used to refer to the attempts of Communists to destroy Chinese cultures and beliefs.
- Old culture, customs, and habits.
They were commanded to destroy temples, music, any books, and they were instead replaced street signs with revolutionary names. Many citizens were displeased with this policy.
The Antiballistic Missile Treaty was created because the countries involved needed limitations on the ways that the they could use anti-ballistic missile systems. The treaty was signed by two countries: the United States and the Soviet Union. In 2002, the United States withdrew from the treaty since it was the only remaining party that followed the treaty. After the United States withdrew from the treaty, it was terminated.
To revive the falling economy of the Soviet Union and bring out political reforms Michael Gorbachev introduced several ideas.
He put forward the concept of perestroika which literally meant restructure’. He intended to bring economic and political reforms within the Soviet Union. According to perestroika he loosened control over enterprises and businesses allowing businessmen and entrepreneurs more freedom to decide prices and production amount.
In 1988 Gorbachev introduced a new policy that permitted the creation of limited co-operative businesses within the union. This led to the rise of privatization in the Soviet Union. Gorbachev also relaxed trade restrictions and encouraged foreign investment. To ensure transparency within the government he called for democratic elections which was the first truly democratic elections since the Russian revolution in 1917.