Demographers use youngest-old to describe people between the ages of 65 and 74 years.
Demography is the statistical study of populations, particularly people. Demographic analysis can cover complete societies or groups described by means of criteria such as education, nationality, faith, and ethnicity.
The Census Bureau employs demographers, as do many government businesses, consisting of the country-wide Institutes of fitness, that conduct surveys. Demographers also are employed by faculties and universities and with the aid of non-profit organizations. some jobs will be available in business and marketing.
learn more about demography here
The correct answer is A) Economic, Environmental, or External obsolescence.
The types of depreciation that apply are Economic, Environmental, or External obsolescence.
Mrs. Jenkins' neighborhood is definitely in decline because is depreciating due to economic, environmental, or external obsolescence.
Although she has a beautiful cottage, well preserved, the neighborhood is in bad conditions for the situation statted above. Her property is depreciating because the surroundings are not favoring her property. It would be very difficult for a real state agent to upgrade the value of her property because the neighborhood doesn't seem attractive to other people.
Even thought there is no work in italics like there should be I can tell that expand is the work that you were talking about, and enlarge is a synonom of expand.
An enumerated power is a power of Congress that is A. specifically named in the Constitution.
Answer: Stoicism
Explanation: This classical philosophical school of Hellenistic Greece was founded by Zeno of Citium. Zeno founded this philosophical school in the third century BC in Athens. The philosophy of this school is to find happiness by accepting the present moment as it is, and not allowing yourself to be controlled by desire for any pleasure or fear of pain. Also, personal ethics and constructed behaviour depend on natural laws, i.e on personal acceptance of these laws and nature in general. In this regard, we should cooperate with nature and become part of the overall natural plan by contributing to it with our participation. That is why we have to treat nature and others fairly, in order to accept and experience natural laws with such logic, and thus to build such personal behaviour.