Some of the positive social, economic and political impacts included the introduction of Christianity which brought about more religious mission opportunities.Most of the missionaries introduced education in Africa by establishing mission schools to educate the local people and helped them to learn more about their land and culture. The Europeans defended the Africans against their enemies or gave them weapons to enable them defend themselves whenever they were attacked by their enemies and this made some of the Africans feel safer. The Europeans brought new technology to Africa; they were provided with tools for farming and introduced new crops like maize and manioc from the New World. They built more infrastructures like medical facilities, transport and communication network, schools and established plantations for the growing of cash crops like cocoa, coffee, tea, rubber and cotton. Many Africans learned the languages of their colonial masters like English, French and Portuguese which has given them more advantage to be able to communicate in the present globalised world without any difficulties. Colonialism also made the world aware of Africa’s rich culture although they adopted some the European culture, its abundance in natural and mineral resources and introducing the countries to trade on the international markets.