The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that ended WW1 (between Germany and allies)
it established the pattern according to which the West would be settled by the citizens of United States.
This document was passed in 1787 and it had large importance on the process of creating states and admitting them to United States. According to it, each state had to have at least 60,000 inhabitants, and rules were established so that settlement was done in a peaceful manner.
In the first unqualified defeat of a British naval squadron in history, U.S. Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads a fleet of nine American ships to victory over a squadron of six British warships at the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812.
People who worked in factories lived together in small houses that were full to the brim and the idea was to go work while another sleeps, and then you sleep when others work.
The tactic, Germany First was where the allies concentrated on Germany, as they theorized that Germany would be a long-lasting affect compared to Italy or the Japanese Empire. One of their strategies was to outlast Germany, constantly pouring resources into the war effort, while blockading Germany. America's power of mechanical manufacturing was also a major point in the war in Europe. They really just pushed through the German lines with sheer numbers.