Use slader. It tells u the answers. You just have to search the book up.
Last year my family and I went on a camping trip to the Mississippi river. It was intended to be a peaceful getaway but quickly turned into quite an adventure. On our way to the campground a small dog ran out from behind a tree and ran right across the road. Thankfully my dad quickly swerved leaving it unharmed. That dog did a dangerous maneuver and he didn’t even bark! At our campsite was a basket full of squirrel treats. They really pushed feeding them. They wanted the squirrels to get as much food and grow so the dragons can eat them. The dragons are giant! And they live in big dark caves. We wanted to visit one so we did. We saved a lot of time by riding our bikes instead of walking. When we got there we were trembling. What human being goes to a dragons cave? We were terrified. The ground around us started shaking. I opened my eyes to my mom shaking me to wake up. We were about to miss the plane!
"convinces us that change isn't possible"
hope this helps
The man in the jail house tried to kill or find trouble for Tom Robinson. Luckily Atticus was there and Jem had the idea of following his father because he was worried. Scout later then solved the issue by mentioning Mr Cunningham's trail (or some sort I forgot) and they all realised that Atticus is just trying to do his job and justify the person like how he treats them. At last they went back and Tom wasn't harmed.
They're families hate each other and there would be no chance of them being excepted.