The technique of Robert Browning in "my last duchess" is known as a dramatic monologue. This is so because all the poem is expressed in one voice only, as oppossed to a dialogue, where more voices would appear. And it is dramatic because it contains all the elements of drama.
You could argue that this is an indication of Walter Cunningham's severe poverty. He is very poor, and poor people did not have access to sweets or treats such as molasses syrup, so when he was offered it he deemed it appropriate to drench his entire lunch in it.
I believe the answer is: running the country more like a business
Because of this, Bill Clinton raise the amount of tax rate in order to obtain capital (just like how businesses issued shares) and used the budget to fund various government programs. On average, Bill Clinton managed to grow the economy for about 4% annually.
They agreed to not use nuclear weapons.
To lessen the threat of an accidental nuclear war, the United States and the Soviet Union agree to establish a “hot line” communication system between the two nations. ... The United States had discovered that the Soviets were building missile sites in Cuba capable of firing missiles with nuclear warheads.
They pushed for a war against Britain to restore national honor. They insisted that invading British-held Canada would deprive the Native Americans of their main source of arms and drive the British out of Native Americans. They also believed that the British would make naval acknowledgement to get Canada back from the Americans.