There are differences between watching a speech and reading the text of the speech on your own. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc. an
d Pixar Animation Studios, gave the 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, where he challenged the graduates to “find what they love.” As you read and watch the speech, think about the differences between watching and listening to Steve Jobs give the speech and reading the text on your own. Directions: 1.Click on the Web Links tab. 2.Click on the words “Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement” to open the web site with the video and text. Watch the video and read the text in whatever order you choose. 3.Answer the questions below as you read the text and watch the video of the speech. 4.Using your responses to the questions below, write a multiple-paragraph essay analyzing the differences between the text and audio/video versions of Steve Jobs’s speech. Use evidence from the speech to support your opinions. What does reading the text of the speech on your own provide that watching the video does not? What does watching the video of the speech provide that reading the text on your own does not? Which did you choose to do first: read the text or watch the speech? Why do you think you chose that order? Would it have made a difference if you had done the other first? Which had more impact on you? Why do you think that was?
Some people argue that homework isn't beneficial to students because of how much stress it can be on them. However, while I agree it can be stressful, it doesn't mean that homework doesn't have wonderful benefits in the further future.