Upper Limit (UL)
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is a group of four nutrient based values i.e. Adequate Intake (AI), Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) and Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). RDA is the average daily dietary intake sufficient to meet level of nutrients required by an individual. RDA depends on EAR. If EAR cant be estimated for some reasons, RDA cant be calculated and instead AI is used to estimate sufficient dietary intake. AI is derived on experimental basis by observing average nutrient intake by group of healthy individuals.
UL is the highest level of nutrient intake possible on a daily basis without causing harm to the individual. Intake above UL increases the risk of adverse effects. UL is higher than RDA or AI. Hence, Marni could be informed by UL the maximum amount of vitamin A she could consume without risk of side effects.
EXPALNATION When adjusting the ammount of oxygen the fooodwill be preserverd longer, this happens when you cutt an apple it starts to turn brown.
A medical assistant uses his or her knowledge to patients experiencing neurological disorders like Parkinson disease by assisting the patient in their activities of daily living as well as educating their significant others in regards to their condition in order for them as well to help the patient.
B below
The hypothalamus is located at the bottom or below the thalamus. The name hypo means below or at the bottom. Hypothalamus is an organ reponsible for maintaining body temperature, regulating bodily hormones and basic drives such as sex, hunger and thirst. The organ is part of the limbic system which has a role on emotions and memory.