The primary purpose of <u>physicians </u>is to facilitate diagnosis, treatment and patient care.
Healthcare professionals, specifically physicians, are the group of professionals who are trained and certified to evaluate a patient, make a diagnosis, indicate a treatment and provide the care required, which is their primary purpose.
Physicians may be primary care or specialists, the latter requiring additional years of study to acquire the specialty.
<u>Diagnosis and treatment can and should only be done by the physician</u>, while health care can be done by any other health professional.
C) increase thier calorie intake enough to fuel their workouts.
Energy comes from the intake of calories, and a balance of it is required, especially when one is carrying out vigorous activites and exercises; this prevents occurences of blackouts and faintings due to a lack of energu (lack of calories).
I would think it's okay to move them. It's fine if the person has something supporting him/her in some type of way.
I'd say D.
Because you have information on making smart food choices next should be what kind of food you can use in those smart food choices.