the man looked at me as if he had recognized me.
A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.
In Walden, Thoureau presents a lesson of wisdom about the best way to life as an individual and as a social being.
What would look like excentricity to most people, means to him a reflection about the capitalism and the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization and industrialization.
The trancendentalism defended the vality of the intuition, and individualism. So it fits with the thoughts of Thoureau about the industrialization and reflections about life, as it is possible to confirm in Walden when a question is frequently asked about what is really important to the basic needs for the modern man to have a good life. He defends that it is possible to have a good life with the minimum of material resources to provide whatever the spirit needs, such as reading, reflections about life and nature watching. On the other hand, he afirms that it is possible to have a good life without an excess of clothes, food or fancy houses.
The answer is C. "It's time for you to get ready," Mrs. O'Reilly told us.