perform functions that tissues cannot carry out on their own
In the hierarchy of living system organs come after tissues and before organ systems. Hence, organs are complex then tissues and perform functions that tissues wont be able to perform on their own.
A organ is made up of various types of tissues. They can be divided into two categories, main tissue and sporadic tissue. Main tissue or parenchyma is unique to that organ and defines the function of the organ. For example: Cortex and medulla together form the main functional tissue in kidney. Similarly, myocardium is the main tissue of the heart. Sporadic tissue has blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues.
Judgement mistake. She could only breed a Labrador Pootriever
Answer: Scientists Classify Organisms into Three Domains.
Each domain is subdivided into kingdoms, followed by phyla, class, order, family, genus, and species. We will focus on domains and kingdoms. All living organisms are classified into one of three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
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