H) Well it depends how you put it. I'm Doing virtual School for my education. And it is so easy when we have technology out their to provide the help that we need. So I think it has affected education pretty good. You can Also google the answers.
I) Looking up Answers at home
J) Parents can check up on their child's school work and see if they can help them. Also The law is involved in Education.
K) It depend's on how you put it
Short Answers
The resultant value is 0
Given that:
The +5 representation in signed 2's complement integer: 00000101
When we right shift then, 4 rightmost bit (0101) will be dropped.
The number after 4-bit right shift: 00000000
Therefore the resultant value after 4-bit right shift is "0" in decimal.
Integrating domain information system increase the level of the organization and its efficiency in the specific domain. This approach is better than others because it first planned the system in systematic order and then it is implemented by proper testing so that the system does not fails and it give efficient result.
It is the low cost approach which can be easily used by the various companies and give faster and profitable results. This integrating approach must be domain specific and describe different level of abstraction.
True Offset printing is more expensive.
Offset printing often has a longer turnaround and is more expensive to set up, so that for short print runs, the cost per unit is higher than digital printing.