<span>"Shouting fire in a crowded theater"</span><span> is a popular </span>metaphor<span> for speech or actions made for the principal purpose of creating unnecessary panic. The phrase is a paraphrasing of </span>Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.<span>'s </span>opinion<span> in the </span>United States Supreme Court<span> case </span>Schenck v. United States<span> in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the </span>draft<span> during </span>World War I<span> was not protected </span>free speech<span> under the </span>First Amendment<span> of the </span>United States Constitution<span>.</span>
I would say Lebanon and Israel. the conflict would be that the lebanon is most likely to get less water because the Jordan River doesn't enter Lebanon. and since majority of the water is going to Israel, that will cause Lebanon to get angry with Israel and most likely to start a huge conflict between the two.
Blitzkreig a mix of armor and infantry but one giant wave like a spear
the answer is A they wouldn't receive salaries