Paraphrase the claim Michelle Obama is making in these remarks from the PHA Building a Healthier Future Summit considering the g
uide on how to paraphrase: And remember, when we talk about giving parents better information, we're not just talking about obvious things like food labels. We're also talking about the more subtle messages that shape our decisions every day. Whether, for example, restaurant menus feature mouthwatering pictures of healthy or unhealthy items. Whether a product is shelved right at eye level or lower to the ground, where you have to bend over and reach it, and if you're bending over, you're not going to get it.
In this context Michelle Obama refers to the importance of correct information for the parents. She is not only stating the facts thar certain informations are taking for granted. That not only is important to read the labels of a product to know how many calories, or sodium it contains. She also refers on how we are all exposed to message that we don´t realize we are receiving, from choosing a meal from a menu, to when we try to get a healthy product in a store. It would probably be a lot easier to reach a can o soda than a bottle of milk, or a mac and cheese box than a whole wheat pasta. The current marketing is more oriented to unhealthy but highly commercial products , that to the ones people actually need. Parents need to know that, and that is the kind of information that they require.
Because of this, our critical thinking skills are being enhanced. When we practice causal analysis, we do not only identify what happened, but instead, we are compelled to dig deeper and learn what caused an event to happen.