The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt is a coming of age story about a young man, Holling Hoodhood, who learns over the course of his seventh grade year that there is more to life than what he sees in his own world. With the help of a strict but caring teacher, Mrs. Baker, his flower child sister, Heather, a host of friends and heroes, and even Shakespeare, Hoodhood learns lessons about discrimination, becoming an adult, war, and determining one's own destiny.
Holling Hoodhood is a young man beginning seventh grade in a small suburb on Long Island in New York. His life is filled with worries about the family architectural business, friends, and immediate threats from older classmates. He doesn't realize the other dangers in the world in 1967, including the Vietnam war, discrimination, and the pain and suffering of those around him.
Leonard Bernstein -D
was an American conductor,pianist,composer,music educator,author and humanitarian.
what the story tells and what it is trying to betray.
why did u delete my answer before lol
Legislative Limits Executive Limits Neither
on Judicial on Judicial
1. Creates lower courts 1. Grant pardons 1. Rules on-
2. Approves appointment 2. Appoints judges constitutionality
3. Power of impeachment
4. Initiates revenue bills