The first civilizations developed in North Africa, Middle East, and South and East Asia because of the advantages that this areas offered to the people inhabiting them. The biggest advantage were the big rivers with long and wide fertile plains beside them, which enabled the people to be involved in agriculture and produce big amounts of food and even reserves. Since the food problem was solved, they were able to concentrate on other things in their spare time and started to develop architecture, sciences, philosophy, writing systems...
Arteries and veins
Xylem and phloem ,vein and arteries both carry nutrient and mineral in the plant and animal.
Seriation is a logical order of sorting out objects based on size, shape, colour or chronological order. for example, a child understands how to arrange sticks from the shortest go longest by putting first the shortest followed by a longer stick,
Hinduism is bound to the hierarchical structure of the caste system, a categorization of members of society into defined social classes. An individual's position in the caste system is thought to be a reflection of accumulated merit in past lives (karma).
The similarities between Greek and Roman government were that both favored aristocratic rule, both believed that their citizens should have a right to participate in politics and military service and they both governments were made up of several city states.
The differences were that the Greek government did not have political parties. If a Roman official was unwanted in office, the citizens would vote him off and just be glad that he wasn't governing them anymore, but if a Greek official was unwanted he'd be kicked off, ostracized, and banned from Athens for 10 years. Also, the Romans didn't allow women to vote, but women of upper class citizenship could influence their husband's vote.
Sorry, if the information isn't enough.