A group of human beings whose members identify with each other, on the basis of distinctiveness measured by combinations of cultural, linguistic, religious, behavioral and/or biological traits.
Systematic desensitizatiion.
This technique is commonly used to treat fear, anxiety and phobias. The person, as in the exercise, is gradually exposed to an anxiety-producing stimulus (in this case a snake) while being in a relaxed state. Systematic desensitization it's the name of said behavioral technique. It's goal is to reduce the cause of fear or anxiety in an object or thing.
A rite of passage
The concept of a rite of passage was developed by the French ethnographer Arnold van Gennep. A rite of passage describes a ceremony or ritual that people undergo in order to leave a particular social group and enter another one. The most commonly known rite of passage is that of transitioning from childhood into adulthood. This is most likely what Smita is experiencing in this event.