You shouldn't lend a friend a large amount of money if they are using it for their own personal reasons. You could end up using that money for something you need, instead of something they want. If it isn't for an emergency or something they absolutely need, you should never give a friend a large amount of money, especially if they tend to be unreliable and/or known to not repay people back.
They include;
Anger, Fear, sadness, shame, Lack of sleep, anxiety, dependence on drugs, etc.
A disaster is a natural event that happens unexpectedly to cause great ruin and loss. A pandemic is an example of a disaster as it involves the sudden spread of a disease which results in sickness and mass death. The recent pandemic is an example. When things like this happen, common feelings and reactions to them include;
1. Sadness because we or our loved ones are passing through pain. Some of those known to us might have also died from the disaster.
2. Anger at the people whose actions resulted in the disaster.
3. Fear of we getting affected by the disaster or a reoccurrence of the disaster.
4. Shame: Because we lost possessions, jobs, or were infected by the disease in cases of pandemics.
5. Anxiety because we are unsure of the future.
6. Dependence on drugs to help us cope with the disaster and temporarily relieve ill feelings.
7. Lack of sleep because we become restless and are filled with anxious thoughts.
It is answer B, Moishe believes that greater religious devotion will have Sighet, but the other Jews in town abandon Judaism.
Hope this helps, this should definitely be correct!
The correct answer is that the more is described as lonely and ancient. It is an uncultivated land. The more in the story symbolizes the untamed emotional side of human nature.
<span>Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Address</span>
The words that should be capitalized are: Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, and
Address. Pennsylvania is a proper noun that is a name of a place. Gettysburg
Address should also be capitalized because it is the title of the famous speech
that Abraham Lincoln. It is the speech that paved the way to democracy with the
well-known phrase: a government of the people, by the people and for the people.