b. A pre-attentive process.
You have a number of gauges. All but one indicators are pointing to the right. In this case pre-attentive processing causes us to evaluate multiple information sources of one kind (that is, indicator pointing to the right). Post this ,the attention is directed to the gauge pointing in the odd direction which becomes intuitively evident as being the odd one out.
First Question:
A lot of the prejudices that are commonplace in American society date back to the time of slavery.
Slavery was often justified as a way of helping African-descended people. The argument was that European-descended people were more civilized, culturally-advanced and technologically driven. This patronizing attitude can still be seen in interactions between people of different races in the US.
Lack of education and illiteracy also contributed to creating a stereotype of African Americans as being less intelligent than other groups and contributed to hiding the difference in opportunities between the two groups.
Second Question:
These prejudices prevail even after abolition for two main reasons. The first one is the fact that prejudices are learned through socialization. Therefore, a child that grows up with prejudiced parents is very likely to maintain those same prejudices.
The second reason is that prejudices often serve the same purpose that they served in the time of slavery, which is to hide patterns of oppression or justify difference in opportunities. It is a useful political tool and because of its convenience people can sometimes be reluctant to let them go.
In Germany, during the Renaissance
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:
The Soviet Union broke up into a number of independent, noncommunist states in 1991. The largest former Soviet state is Russia. Germany was reunited as East Germany and was no longer separated from West Germany by the Berlin wall. As a result of these changes, Eastern Europe began to transition from communism to democracy. As the iron rule of the former Soviet state was lifted, longstanding ethnic conflicts erupted in some formerly communist states.