Silas was : A linen-weaver who, as a young man, is falsely accused of theft and thus cast out as a scapegoat from the close-knit church community of Lantern Yard. He settles on the outskirts of the village of Raveloe, his faith in both God and humanity shattered by his experience in Lantern Yard. He quietly plies his trade, an odd and lonely stranger in the eyes of the villagers. Marner is the quintessential miser in English literature, collecting and hoarding the gold he earns at his loom. In the course of the novel his gold is stolen. Some time later, he finds a baby girl, Eppie, asleep at his hearth. His love for this golden-haired foundling child-who, in the novel's most famous symbol, replaces Marner's beloved gold pieces in his affection-facilitates his return to faith and humanity.
it is saying he is living there
b. would most likely be your answer.
Because piggy wants to be heard he has something to say but nobody listens to piggy.
Here is a base paragraph you can wok off of:
My life style is healthy because I exercise and eat as healthy as I can. I could probably eat more greens to improve my eating habits, and be on devices less though. I am also physically active every day. Something that prevents me from making these changes is lack of motivation because of everything that is going on in the world. To help stick to my goal, I can think of something that will motivate me for example, thinking about how I can become healthier by having better habits. It is sometimes hard to stay motivated, but I try my best.
Please consider giving brainliest, I hope this helps you out love! <3