Hamlet still feels like he is helpless and can do nothing to change his circumstances. Hamlet seems overly frustrated with the actors, how could they show “real emotion” for what he considers to be “nothing?” This causes conflict within Hamlet’s character; all he wants to do is cry and mourn his father’s death, but he feels like he can’t. Hamlet actually feels like he himself is the villain in his life. He feels as though he is the bad guy because he does not speak out for his dead father. Along with being a villain, he feels that he is a coward. He has reason to believe that Claudius has killed his father, yet he does nothing about it. Hamlet knows that something needs to be done to Claudius but all he can seem to do is complain to himself and take no action. However, Hamlet does take some action, he decides to have the actors perform a play which would depict his father’s murder and see how Claudius reacts. He determines that this is the way he will find out the truth. If Claudius reacts, then Hamlet has his answer and he will be free to avenge his father’s death. This will confirm that what the ghost told his was correct and that the ghost was not some devil trying to confuse Hamlet.
Hamlet is really beating himself up in this particular soliloquy, but we do see some character development! He is a little bit less helpless. Although he seems to be taking baby steps, and I mean REALLY small steps here, he is trying to do something about his situation. Staging the play is Hamlet shedding some of his fear and impotence; he is fact-finding and trying to determine the next step in avenging his father’s death.
Think about what the moral theme that the story is trying to convey. Theme is not Halloween or Christmas or Winter. For example the the could be "treat others as you would like to be treated", "slow and steady wins the race" or it could be "love". Just think about what the lesson or idea that you get from reading the story. Hope this helps!
Ahem, well the audience will be towards kids. Kids love pets, we know they love pets, who doesn't love pets. You know what they love the most? Puppies. & Do you know who they bug about getting a puppy? Their parent. You target the children, that's who your audience is. Now for the two paragraphs...(maybe)
Dogs, I believe are an essential part of a human's life. They can bring comfort, protection, happiness into one's life. They can be used for jobs. What kind of jobs you're asking yourself, well you've asking the wrong person. Ask me instead, they can be used as a service dog, they can get the sheep together, they can even be provided for therapy. Taking care of a dog is a HUGE responsibility and should be taken very seriously. They need to be fed the right type of food. Depending on what type of breed they are of course. They need to be taken on walks, taken to the vet for a check out, cut their nails. They're basically your friend, but better.
What Is The Tone Of This Song? The tone is don't worry what any one else thinks of you. The song presents the ostracized Queen Elsa, who abandons her kingdom when her magical ability to create and control ice and snow is discovered by the public