So I think that we can found only three of the ten commandments in the laws of the United States. This three commandments are: "You shall not murder" It´s one of the most important laws to be able to live in community.
Answer: Three
The Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea was created in a. 1953. It established the end of the Korean War and it crosses the 38th parallel (but is not completely on it).
B. The pace and intensity of international contacts accelerated as a result of transportation and communication breakthroughs
you dint include answers so I looked the question up
The British historian Paul Johnson, in his remarkable book Modern Times, attributed the twentieth century's huge death toll to the immense growth of organized state power, the decline of traditional religion, and the rise of totalitarian ideologies and gangster-statesmen.
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//)/ hope this helps -Tom \(\\
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I would like brainliest if I deserve it plz
Capitalist class , working class, and middle class