Make a study schedule. plan out the times and how long you will study that day
<span>Start as soon as possible. don't waste time, start right awat </span> <span>Ask your teacher what things she/he want you to study then you'll know what things you need to force more and spend time on. </span> <span>Get some sleep.</span><span>so you have enough energy in the morning
</span><span>Make time for breakfast. breakfast is the most important meal of the day, ya? </span> Avoid the last minute cram session. that's why you need a scheduled
<span>Study right after waking and just before bed this will refresh your memory from the night before . </span><span>Take breaks during your study time avoid sitting all day stairing at your paper, try different spots and distract yourself then go back to study and see if you still remember it. </span>
Go back and review old notes from earlier in the year, maybe have a friend help you remember key words from previous classes, but most importantly, don't freak yourself out buy the idea of a "scary test" and just breathe. Hope this helps! :)