The federal government funds public assistance programs. this type of programs are created for the needy, but there are definitely certain clauses that needs to be fulfilled by the individuals to become a part of the program. This programs are created for helping the poor. I hope the answer helps you.
Red Guards, in Chinese history, groups of militant university and high school students formed into paramilitary units as part of the Cultural Revolution (1966–76). These young people often wore green jackets similar to the uniforms of the Chinese army at the time, with red armbands attached to one.
Concurring opinion is when one or more agree
unanimous opinion is when means almost everyone (or everyone) agrees
you have to get a box into the house
out of 5 people, 1 person thinks you should hire someone to do it; that's a concurring opinion
out of 5 people, all 5 think you should just carry it into your house, that's a unanimous opinion