Oh, gods, you cannot stop me now! No force of nature can halt my plan. Tonight, the king shall propose to Alexandra, though he k
nows not that her loyalty is already sworn to me. Ha! And then, when that weak and softhearted king has pledged his love to a serpent in disguise, I shall finally see my moment of sweet revenge!” What can Marcus learn from the antagonist’s soliloquy?
The antagonist is bound by the rules of the gods.
The antagonist is really a princess in disguise.
The antagonist feels she has been wronged by the king.
Your answer should be "the antagonist feels she has been wronged by the king." Based on the text provided, she mentions revenge, which tells us that the king must have done something to her in the past that she resents him for.
the answer to your question is the civil rights movement caused the assassination of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. However, you'd better try to write it yoursefl or rather check Prime Writing site whether they have a similar article on their blog.