The Marlin fish in the story "the Old Man and The Sea" represents the biggest opponent of Santiago during his excruciating voyage that he ultimately beat but took no credit for that.
Answer: Option D
In the short story "The Old Man and the Sea", Ernest Hemingway has beautifully explained the zest of a human life which is surrounded with numerous challenges and that, the man can prove himself the best and strongest in front of bigger troubles of life even being alone.
Marlin was a big fish in the story that was caught in the fish line of Santiago. being larger in size, it proved to be the toughest opponent for Santiago who kept on holding her for around two days and fort he third day and finally stabbed her on the third day. The fight for pulling Marlin into his yard presents a fair sketch of the troubles faced by common man in his life but he can overcome all of them only when he believed in his strengths.
Who is crash? This is for school only
Answer:In this passage, Stowe is discussing the passage of time. His point -- and the lesson he is trying to teach -- meshes nicely with the technique he uses to get this point across.
Stowe makes the point that when looking back on bad times ("looking back to seasons which in review appear to us as those of deprivation and trial") we often remember that there were moments of happiness ("diversions and alleviations") that prevent us from being totally unhappy.
Stowe is also trying to indicate that time passes almost without our being aware of it. While it is true time passes "a day at a time," days accumulate without our being aware of it. And so, the year will end when it feels it has barely begun. The time jump Stowe uses is a perfect way to illustrate this point.
Although Tom has to live one day at a time, and even though he is not entirely happy, before he knows it "two years were gone." Thus, this time jump allows Stowe to do two things.
First, this time jump has a practical application. This drastic time jump of two years allows Stowe to fast forward quickly in time without describing all the little and unimportant events that happened over the course of two years. (It is enough to know that Tom lived through times of deprivation but had moments of happiness.) Second, this time jump allows Stowe to illustrate the theme of the passage of time that he is discussing in this excerpt.