House search
The Fourth Amendment requires a warrant be based on probable cause, and must describe the persons and places to be searched as well as the items to be seized. A judicial warrant (often called a criminal warrant) is used by police to search a person or place for evidence of a crime.
The Electoral College is problematic because it underrepresented the votes of racial minorities, maybe??
law is a kind of rule that is used in big society . like a city or country.
for example : city law
important note : do not use the word "law" for small societies like a family or a school!!
according to dictionary : law : the whole system of rules in a city or country that all of the people in that must obey .
Alimony takes into account, number of years of marriage, assets owned by each spouse, debt of either party, each party's contribution to the relationship and mental and physical health of spouse. It doesn't take into account the extra-marital affairs etc.