It follow the format known as: <span>symposium-forum.
</span><span>In symposium-forum format, we can expect to see a chairperson that accompanied by several presenters (in most events it would be around three or four)
</span>This format is most commonly used in event that provide experts with an opportunity to propose their theory, findings, or their opinions regarding other experts' works.
Voting and elections are subjects that have their own special language. This glossary defines some of the unique terms that you may encounter during an election season.
Ballot — A list of candidates and proposed laws that voters mark to make choices. A ballot may be made of paper and marked with a pen or hole punch or it may be electronic and voters mark their choices with the push of a button or by touch screen.
Ballot Initiative — A proposed law drafted by citizens and placed on the ballot to be approved or rejected by voters. Ballot initiatives are usually drafted by a group of voters who are passionate about a particular issue.
Proponents of literature-based instruction usually focus on the importance of using authentic literature, rather than the "canned" variety found in basal textbooks and other programs. Books that are written to teach children to read tend to be boring, contrived and less vibrant than authentic literature. Authentic literature can also open doors for students by introducing them to different cultures, social structures and story lines.
Advantage: Higher Level Thinking Skills
Many teachers choose literature-based instruction because they feel that it addresses higher level thinking skills than basal level instruction. Rather than forcing children to give pat answers to basic questions about a story, literature-based instruction encourages children to think deeply and share their thoughts about a story. Reading authentic literature can improve vocabulary, reading comprehension, reading ability and language growth. In addition, literature-based instruction is much more child-centered, with the teacher as the facilitator or coach, rather than "the sage on the stage."
Disadvantage: Teacher's Perspective
From the teacher's perspective, teaching using a literature-based approach can be more difficult than using other approaches. First-time teachers may find it especially challenging, since literature-based approaches inherently have less structure than many other approaches. Teachers also may struggle with effectively assessing a child's progress. Because literature-based instruction is less widely used than other forms of instruction, teachers often spend hours choosing literature selections, as well as developing activities and evaluations that reflect the content.
Disadvantage: Scope and Sequence
Finding appropriate literature selections that address the skills that students need to learn can be challenging, and finding selections that actually build from one year to the next is virtually impossible. This means that using literature-based instruction may prevent students from building their skills in a systematic fashion, and they may miss out on some skills entirely. Especially as students advance to the next grade, they will feel a lack of continuity, which can prevent them from growing as readers, writers and thinkers.
Fayetteville State University: Merits of a Literature-Based Instruction Vs. the Basal Approach
Family Education: Literature-Based Reading Programs
Lesson Sense: Literature-Based Instruction
About the Author
Keren (Carrie) Perles is a freelance writer with professional experience in publishing since 2004. Perles has written, edited and developed curriculum for educational publishers. She writes online articles about various topics, mostly about education or parenting, and has been a mother, teacher and tutor for various ages. Perles holds a Bachelor of Arts in English communications from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Answer: Research question
Research question is defined as the question to inquire about any particular incident or situation.This question is answered by candidates to start any qualitative and quantitative research or study. This question initially helps in gathering content, data,facts, etc to investigate and analyzing further on the issue.
According to the question, Dr. Jenka has raised a research question by inquiring about the impact of war in Afghanistan and Iraq on children's elevated fear and concern.This will help him to start the research on that subject.