Actually, these two novels could be said to express all of these themes and ideas. However, the authors of these two novels, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, are considered by many critics, scholars, and historians to belong to what is known as "the lost generation" of American writers. Hemingway and Fitzgerald, in fact, have been considered to be the "leaders," in a sense, of the "lost generation" of American writers, especially given their mutual expression of purpose for the post World War I generation in their novels.
The Americans history as a British colony a fact that the state constitutions created by false accusations of witches & Which everReligion was trending at the moment
A. Cutting off all relations with a country is an effective way to show that its actions are unacceptable.
In trade and international politics, an embargo is the prohibition of trading and negotiating with a particular country. It is usually declared by one group of nations against another, in order to isolate it and place its government in a difficult internal situation, since the effects of the embargo often cause its economy to suffer. The embargo is normally used as a political punishment for certain prior policies with which it is not agreed, although its economic nature often leaves enough space to doubt the true interests that benefit from the measure.
I assume by "feds" you mean the federal government. They enforce national laws. While the states can make their own laws they must do so by abiding by federal law. For example, a state cannot make murder legal.