It shows an evolution which will alienate him from society for the rest of his life. Indeed, Gulliver has found a race of talking horses that have the perfect society with no crime or vices or any form of corruption. These race of Houyhnhnms is the master of the island and rules over savage, dirty and grotesque humanoid creatures which are called the Yahoos. After spending sometime in the island, Gulliver feels more Houyhnhnm than human and considers humans a backward species. It is to be noted nonetheless, that Gulliver is rescued by a Portuguese captain that is very generous and sensitive and his refusal and disgust to acknowledge this implies that he still has the vice of pride very much ingrained in his nature.
Skills that can be assessed, and based on this, are interpersonal and cognitive. Interpersonal skills are: communication, influencing others, learning from interactions, leadership, team work, fostering relationships, conflict management. Cognitive skills are: problem solving, decision making, innovation, creativity, planning and organizing. Skills are also divided into five broad skill areas, and one of the following which is a list of broad categories of skills is option A.
A passage can be identified as a dramatic monologue only when the narrator speaks.
A dramatic monologue is a poem that is written in a dramatic style where the poet creates a character called the persona who narrates the entire poem to a silent and passive listener. Since the narration is just like a monologue in a drama where only the narrator is speaking so this kind of poetry is classified as a Dramatic Monologue.
The Victorian poets greatly specialized in this kind of poetry, Robert Browning being the most popular. His ‘My Last Duchess’ is the most striking example of a dramatic monologue.
Colors and emotions are closely linked. Warm colors can evoke different emotions than cool colors and bright colors can create different feelings than muted colors.
Source from internet
The answer is not complex sentence it is compound sentence