Translation: The soup is hot....
La= the
Mi familia y yo nos bañamos y nos acostamos a dormir. Mi mamá siempre me lee una historia antes de dormir y por la mañana me lee la matutina.
A trade Ban
They did that because we were having numerous cases or illegal people bringing drugs and such over to thr states
Tú: respiras
ellos/ ellas: respiran
tu in past tense:respiraste
ellos/ellas in past tense: respiraron
Ésta es mío.
The sentence <u>"This is mine"</u> is <u>incorrect,</u> since it is very confusing when pronouncing it, we could say that it does not make sense.
We change some words, so that the sentence is correct:
It's all we do.
The sentence is Spanish we have: "Esto es mío".
If the sentence were this way, the answer would be correct, but since it is not, it is incorrect.