The correct answer is A. France declared war on Germany immediately after Germany had declared war on Russia.
Both France and Britain were allies and they declared war on Germany . This became in the time of Athenia liner which sunk in submarine of German and they assumed that the liner was belligerent and armed.
Then the Germany ships started being bombed.
A.) She was the first African American woman to be elected to Congress
Her campaign slogan was "Unbought and unbossed". In the June 18, 1968, Democratic primary, Chisholm defeated two other Black opponents, State Senator William S. Chisholm thereby became the first black woman elected to Congress, and was the only woman in the freshman class that year.
The American colonies were settled by diverse groups of people. Many of the New England colonies were settled for religious reasons.
Women were proud to serve their country. Around 350,000 women served in the military during World War II. Women also served as truck drivers, radio operators, engineers, photographers and non-combat pilots. serving their country in the military and at home empowered women to fight for the right to work in nontraditional jobs for equal pay and for equal rights in the workplace and beyond
pollution, public education, harder to get a job