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Isaac Newton was creative in his use of prisms to show how white light is actually made up of multiple colors. He used logic in the way he presented his arguments rhetorically in order to convince readers of the correctness of his conclusions.
Newton was not the first to experiment with passing light through prisms to determine how light works. French philosopher Rene Descartes had done prism experiments of his own. But Descartes had thought that passing through a prism actually modified the light in order to produce the color spectrum. Newton correctly understood that when light refracted through the prism, it revealed the range of colors that were naturally in the light. He then used a second prism, blocking all but one color, to show that a single color passing through a prism was not modified in color. He also showed--by positioning the second prism differently--how the multiple colors of light could be recombined into white light again.
Newton's 1672 paper on light refracting through prisms established his reputation as a scientist. He continued to study light throughout his scientific career, publishing a larger work in 1704 on <em>Opticks </em>(as they spelled "optics" then).
Lowcountry (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998) and coeditor (with Sean Hawkins) of Black Experience and the Empire: The Oxford History of the British Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). He would like to acknowledge in particular the assistance of David Brion Davis, who generously sent him two early chapters from his forthcoming manuscript, "Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery."
Slavery is often termed "the peculiar institution," but it was hardly peculiar to the United States. Almost every society in the history of the world has experienced slavery at one time or another. The aborigines of Australia are about the only group that has so far not revealed a past mired in slavery—and perhaps the omission has more to do with the paucity of the evidence than anything else. To explore American slavery in its full international context, then, is essentially to tell the history of the globe. That task is not possible in the available space, so this essay will explore some key antecedents of slavery in North America and attempt to show what is distinctive or unusual about its development. The aim is to strike a balance between identifying continuities in the institution of slavery over time while also locating significant changes. The trick is to suggest preconditions, anticipations, and connections without implying that they were necessarily determinations (1).
post the article and give more points, then people will answer! :)
Family life in Virginia and across the South suffered devastating effects during the American Civil War (1861–1865). Many families were uprooted as they witnessed the destruction of their homes and landholdings. ... Most profoundly, all families dealt with the ordeal of separation.