Following conclusions can be drawn:
- 2008 and 2012 were presidential election years
- The majority of Americans vote in every election
Campaign issues in 2008 :::
- National security and foreign affairs
- Taxes
- The economy
- Energy and the Environment.
- Healthcare
- Social Issues.
- Iraq.
- Immigration.
- Climate Change.
The claims declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free.".
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Though the word "slavery" does not appear in the Constitution, the issue was central to the debates over commerce and representation. The "Three-Fifths Compromise" provided that three-fifths (60%) of enslaved people in each state would count toward congressional representation, increasing the number of Southern seats.
Customers attempt to withdraw more money than the bank has on hand
The U.S. made its major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material, and money, starting in 1917. ... During the war the U.S. mobilized over 4 million military personnel and suffered 110,000 deaths, including around 45,000 who died due to the 1918 Spanish influenza outbreak (30,000 before they even reached France).