The germinated seed incorporated a small amount of modern carbon. Correct: Incorporation of a small amount of modern carbon would increase the relative amount of carbon-14 and reduce the estimated age of the seed by 250-300 years.
Personally, i don't think he is.
John Brown Believed that the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery is by doing an armed revolt. We have to aware that in his Era, slavery is very common. Is like owning a dog in this era. He probably tried to convince the slave owners to realize the value of human's dignity no matter what the race is but nobody agrees with his point of view.
Andrew Jackson won redemption four years later in an election that was characterized to an unusual degree by negative personal attacks. Jackson and his wife were accused of adultery on the basis that Rachel had not been legally divorced from her first husband when she married Jackson. Shortly after his victory in 1828, the shy and pious Rachel died at the Hermitage; Jackson apparently believed the negative attacks had hastened her death. The Jacksons did not have any children but were close to their nephews and nieces, and one niece, Emily Donelson, would serve as Jackson’s hostess in the White House.
Generally speaking, a civilization whose impact can be felt on history for a very long time can be called a "lasting civilization", since the things they put into effect have "lasted" throughout the years.
on july 30, 1619 in Jamestown Virginia the first elected legislative assembly in the New World–the House of Burgesses–convenes in the choir of the town’s church.