here you go
Maintenance rehearsal involves repeatedly processing an item at the same level (Baddeley, 2009), which requires little attention. ... In elaborative rehearsal, the information is processed at a deeper level and has the ability to move to long-term memory.
Question: The Founders of the United States gave much consideration to the division of responsibility between federal and state governments. They strove to strike a balance between an overbearing central government (such as the British government that had ruled them before the Revolution) and an over reliance on local governments (such as the structure of US government under the Articles of Confederation). Many citizens today continue to debate the correct balance between federal and state government.
What is your position? Name some areas of conflict where you think the powers are improperly balanced. Name some areas where you think the balance works well.
When the framers designed the US Constitution they did not give the Federal government much power so power was balanced between States and Central Government. But the Federal government has gained more and more power over time. At the same time, the States were restricted over the years, when the Framers did not imagine doing so. Both of these situations can be good or bad.
For example, making the States respect the Bill of Rights was a good thing when individuals had their basic rights stripped on a State level. So making only the Federal government respect the Bill of Rights did not make much sense. At the same time, the Federal Government has shown much power that was not designed and showed a few issues over the years, especially with the Executive Branch that had in a few opportunities overstepped its powers.
Answer:The understanding of conservation
The law of conservation states that the amount of something is preserved even when the shape is altered or even when that thing is deformed.
For example putting the same amount of water in a short big glass and transferring it into a long thin glass doesn't change the amount of water that was initially in the first big short glass and children may not understand this at a certain age until they grow up to understand the law of conservation.
Yes, this is true!
This is especially true in the olders generatios, especially among the voters of 65 years or older - since women live longer, they can also vote longer. Hover, among the young voters, the men outnumber the women
Women also outnumber men in the voting population in almost every state.