1. I would say after 9/11 our relationship with Islam has been weary because a lot of people make an assumption that they may be “dangerous” when 99% of them are harmless and are normal people.
2. Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general, especially when seen as a geopolitical force or the source of terrorism.
According to google translate this is the answer:
Um 6:10 habe ich Chor.
Sign language provided a more preferable choice that enabled free and natural communication
The use of oralism is limited among those with hearing disability as those who could very well comprehend the information being transmitted usually have a discursive consciousness or understanding of the way the people spoke, thereby limiting the dissemination of information, such that those who understood the oralism will sometimes pass unto their colleague the given information using sign language making sign language the foundational or natural language upon which Deaf cultural competencies can be developed.
Ma aasa gardai xu ki yas uttar dwara hajurlai sahyog puriyous!!