Although this is a very personal question that only you as a student can answer, it is still possible to look at examples of how most students work and how they would answer such a question.
When describing your work habits and work quality this semester, it is important to look at a number of things. Did you hand in your work in time? Did you miss any deadlines? Did you feel rushed when completing your work? Did you have time to study and revise your notes before tests?
When talking about whether you showed your best work, you can try to think of whether you felt satisfied with the work you presented. Think about the work you developed. Did you feel like you could have done better?
Finally, when thinking about whether you challenged yourself this semester, think of the time you invested in your work. Could you have done more? Did you prioritize your learning and your work? All of these questions will get you closer to an answer.
After 2/3 of Congress votes to pass an amendment it is sent to States for approval. 3/4 of the states (38) must approve before it is ratified to the U.S Constitution. This is done by a vote in the State Legislature or a special ratifying convention.
Answer: To requirements are, Be a U.S citizens and applicants must be at least 21 years old.
Answer: The Ceo of racism lives in alabama. Brainliest?