Antibiotics such as cycloheximide
are frequently added to sabouraud agar for isolating fungi from clinical
samples because most fungi grows and multiply slowly at least compared with
bacteria that grows rapidly after 24hours. Incorporation of antibiotics into
the agar will prevent the growth of bacteria and also other environmental
fungal such as Aspergillus spp.
they are hot or can get hot
Krill in this food web is the primary consumer. Since the producer of the food web is the phytoplankton. Removing them from the food chain cuts the supply of food for secondary consumers such as seals, and whales. This disrupts the whole Antartic ecosystem since there will be a large amount of phytoplankton but not enough food for secondary consumers. This because secondary consumers are not able to eat phytoplankton due to their microscopic size. Only krill are able to feed on them and have the maximum energy gain from them.
C because you are reflecting, like the translation in math.