The primary benefit of folic acid is that it helps in preventing neural tube defects. Folic acid also known as Vitamin B9 are used as a supplementary vitamins taaken by many pregnant mother in order to develop the baby without deformities. Lacking of Folic acid causes neural tube defects define as an irregularities of the brain and spinal cord during the first week of prenancy
dear user nitrogen fixation is so important bcoz of the reasons given above
An undifferentiated cell is such as that in a blastocyte. They are multipotent and can differentiate into any type of cells. The cells of the mass begin to have their gene differentially expressed (due to differential silencing of particular genes) hence the cell become determined. They become well organized into tissue such as skin and other organs.
B. Mesopela: the transmissive barrier through which two cell layers interact in the structure of the coral body