1728 is when it was first sailed.
Suffragists in both nations formed organizations to win the vote and achieved their goals gradually, with some militant protests as part of their approach. Adult women in America achieved their goal in 1920; British women of that age not until 1928. The success of the militant group was not achieved until the end of World War I, but it did call attention to their goals.
Rising human numbers have increased pressure on the land; selective agriculture or monoculture (the use of one or two favored crops) has reduced biodiversity.
In the 17th century the Dutch practised monoculture (spices) in the Indonesian colony for the benefit of the Dutch Republic and a little later the British in India cultivated opium in large quantities for the Chinese market.
During the classic Maya empire (roughly from 200 to 800 C.E.) the main crops were just corn (sacred in all Mesoamerica) and beans.
There is an interesting monocultural parallel with certain crops (marihuana, avocado) produced in Mexico nowadays, there is one difference though:
Corn, beans and gourds were necessary for surviving; spices, opium and marihuana were not.
A, B, D, E, G
found out the hard way, edge. 2021
C because no nation only owns antarctica. A bunch of nations own it so ther cant be only one