r-selected species (e.g., American bullfrog)
The r-selected species (r-strategists) are those species in which their populations oscillate near the carrying capacity, i.e., the maximum population size sustained by a particular environment. These species are generally located in low-quality (less competitive) ecological niches and produce many offsprings that grow rapidly and have low chances of surviving to adulthood. Some examples of r-strategists include amphibians, fish, small mammals, etc. Conversely, K-selected species have more stable populations and produce a low amount of offspring (e.g., large mammals such as elephants).
Single seismograph can register the occurrence of an earthquake. Analysis of the waves can yield the distance between the sensor and the epicenter. This describes a circle with the seismograph at the center. ... Adding data from a third station pinpoints the epicenter as the only place where all three circles intersect
<span>There are many indicators for predator presence. Some of them are:
Being able to spot predator marks like scratches or fur.
Being able to feel predator movements.
</span><span>Echo-location </span>For example, moths respond to the echo-location calls from their bat predators; moths drop to the ground once they hear the sound pulse from the bat.