The HDI (Human Development Index) considers three main dimensions to evaluate the development of a country:
1. Long and healthy life of its citizens
2. Education.
3. Standard of living.
1. Long and healthy life
The long and healthy life dimension is measured by life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth is a statistical measure that an average individual is expected to live based on certain demographic factors such as the year of birth and current age.
2. Education
This is a second dimension in the HDI. The indicators of education are the expected years of schooling and the mean years of schooling. According to the UN, the average maximum years of schooling is 18 years, while the mean maximum years of schooling is 15 years.
3. Standard of living
The standard of living is usually measured by the gross national income (GNI) per capita. The GNI indicates the total domestic and foreign output created by the residents of a certain country.
Question 2 ; the only star that is located in our solar system is the sun
Ben Bernanke, an economic
In April 1927 Guomindang forces, aided by urban gangsters and warlord militia, attacked members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Shanghai. Hundreds of communists were rounded up, arrested and tortured; most were executed or assassinated. The Shanghai Massacre, or ‘April 12th Incident’ as it is sometimes called, was a pivotal moment in the Chinese Revolution. It triggered a nationwide purge of communists from the Guomindang and several years of anti-communist violence, dubbed the ‘White Terror’. Surviving communists were either forced underground or into rural and provincial areas outside Guomindang control. The events of April 1927 marked the end of the First United Front between the CCP and Guomindang and the end of Soviet Russian support for the Nationalists. The CCP leadership was forced to reassess its revolutionary strategy in the wake of the events in Shanghai.